The Should I Elope Quiz

The Should I Elope Quiz

Should you elope, or should you not?

Today, we’ll find out what type of wedding is best for you and share a few pros about intimate celebrations.
Over the last two years, weddings have changed dramatically, for obvious reasons. And we have seen a seismic shift towards celebrations that are a whole lot more intimate. Even post-Covid restrictions, so many couples are deciding to do away with weddings with 150+ guests, and celebrate on a much smaller scale, even though they don’t have to! Because now, after all, we’ve been through, couples are starting to understand the benefits of an elopement or intimate celebration, and how much truer they are to what a wedding should/could be. But is it right for you and your partner? To help you decide, I, your friendly Arizona elopement photographer, have put together the ‘Should I Elope Quiz’. In the hope that I might guide you onto the right path for your nuptials.

An elopement in 2021 and beyond no longer means running away, nor does it mean marrying in secrecy. You can invite your family, your friends, and loved ones. They can be there to witness your ceremony, or can simply party with you following a private exchange of vows. The question ‘should I elope’ is, nowadays, not a question of running away from people. And more about leaving behind the stress of organizing a massive party, and spending your life’s savings on it! But maybe you’ve dreamed of doing that forever, and, for you, pressure is a privilege. Or are you somewhere in the middle?!

Don’t worry. I’m here to help you think all of this through, strike a balance and in turn help you answer the question, ‘should I elope?

Do you suffer from Stress/Anxiety?

Talk to any married couple, and ask them if it was a stressful experience planning their big day. It’s more than likely they’ll say yes, hell yes. If you’re someone who suffers from stress, planning a huge event (something you’ve probably never done before) will not be a pleasant thing for you to do. Ok, not everything in life can be fun, but your wedding should be, right? If the journey to the altar for you is biblically emotional and has caused you no end of anxiety, maybe it’s not right for you.

The topic of stress is a significant part of this ‘should I elope quiz’, as an elopement can eliminate so much of the typical anxiety that surrounds a big day. Fewer guests to worry about, planning to be done, build up, and unnecessary money to be spent. This leads us nicely to our second question.

Are you Worried About the Cost?

I don’t believe you should elope purely because of money, as there are so many other wonderful benefits that intimate celebrations bring. However, it certainly is a major factor in why many couples choose elopement, and it’s understandable. When you consider the fact that typical weddings, on average cost around $34,000, an elopement can be had for a fraction of that cost.

The giant sums of money normally spent on a wedding often lead to debt for couples or their families. With many then struggling to get on the property ladder.

On the flip side, maybe you want to splurge that money you’ve saved, or at least a good portion of it, and plan the most incredible elopement vacation! Why not roll your wedding and honeymoon all into one, and travel the world? And still have some money left over for a new car!

Are You Guys into Experiences? Rather than Stuff.

One of the wonderful things I think you should ponder when deciding to elope or not is the possibility to experience some amazing things. As I said above, with an elopement, you have the freedom to blow your budget on some pretty epic experiences. From rock climbing, and desert exploring, to well, literally anything! The beauty of an elopement is that you’re free to do whatever you please, whenever, wherever. All you need is a trusty Arizona elopement photographer present to make sure that every intimate moment is documented!

Would You Prefer More Time Together on Your Wedding Day?

As a seasoned wedding photographer, I’ve experienced firsthand how couples spend their time during a typical wedding. And I don’t believe engaged folks understand how little they’ll see each other on their big day! But when you have 150-200 well-wishers all wanting to congratulate you, it’s no wonder. This is why I loved elopements, and why I specialize in them as a photographer! They just offer so many more opportunities to spend genuine time together, not just with your partner, but with your loved ones also. Because these guys are important too, and how amazing would it be if you could just hang out with your best friends all day! And get married!

If you answered all yes, or mostly yes, to the questions above, I think you should elope!

I would love to be your Arizona elopement photographer/planner/cheerleader! You are welcome to browse my portfolio of past couples here, and if you would like some information on investments, please visit my pricing page. For any questions, queries, or desires, please visit my contact page. I look forward to hearing from you and creating your dream intimate celebration.


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Whether you're seeking adventure or prefer a more relaxed vibe with easy walks and scenic views, we'll find the spot that suits both of you. Because your wedding day should reflect your unique love story every step of the way.